Monday, August 22, 2022

Breaking the Spell - Why Covid-19 is a Hoax.

 Breaking the Spell

To those who wish to evaluate evidence on a "disease" that has cast a spell on all the world, this book with the name mentioned here as the title of this blog will be an eye-opener. 

We have been schooled for three centuries in the belief that germs and their invisible cousins, viruses cause diseases. So ingrained is the belief that it is almost like a fundamentalist religious dogma that none dare question 🤔. 

You go to a doctor with a fever. The doctor prescribes usually an antibiotic, more often a broad spectrum one. 

You ask the doctor, "What is my disease?" He dismisses your anxious query with a smile, "Oh, it's just a viral fever". You leave, none the wiser. The doctor too does not know what is your illness is. 

Interestingly, antibiotics do not work against viruses which are supposed to be non-living thing! 

Then why did the doctor say what he did? He was only parroting what he was told in college. 

Antibiotics Prescribing and Use is a CDC article with the link below.,and%20outside%20of%20our%20bodies.

Medical science is under intense scrutiny and current dogma under attack, and rightly so.

The very fact that these views are censored by large social media companies reveals more of what their masters wish to hide!


Here's a link to a critique of the existing "Germ theory" on which modern medicine is based.

Interestingly, mainstream media continues to parrot conventional medical beliefs. The refrain goes thus: One disease caused by one germ or virus with one medication for cure.

The book, Virus Mania, with over 1,400 research papers referenced is an eye opener. 

I think you might like this book – "Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry ... Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense" by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio.

Double click on the link above to visit the book and read it for free!

No virus for any disease has ever been isolated. All of us have heard doctors respond when asked what caused our fevers, "Oh! It's just a viral fever!  

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

 Covid-19 - The False Narrative Continues Through News Headlines

A news paper headline says, 

"COVID-19 third wave: Over 70% of January deaths in Karnataka were in ICUs"

Firstly, has any epidemic come in WAVES
Why are people dying in ICUs? 
Were autopsies performed to determine the cause of death?
The news admits that two thirds had comorbidities. 
Why were these deaths attributed to Covid?
Who is interested in keeping the scare mongering going?
They should read Aesop's fables! Like the boy who cried, "Wolf, wolf", people are tired of scare stories and no longer take them seriously.
Another news item says that 30 % people of India believe that covid is a myth!
Iit show how few people in this country are able to think clearly.